Cluster analysis of those interested in "Fuel Efficiency"

Cluster analysis of those interested in "Fuel Efficiency"

Gasoline prices have skyrocketed due to high prices of crude oil, affecting logistics and putting a strain on household budgets, influencing a greater awareness in energy conservation. Using VALUES’ online behavior analytics tool “story bank,” we conducted a cluster analysis of people interested in "fuel efficiency."

What is the profile of people interested in "fuel-efficiency"?

*This study uses "story bank," a tool that enables quantitative analysis and understanding of the consumers' decision-making process and needs based on actual online behavioral data. For this study, we defined people interested in "fuel efficiency" as those who searched for "fuel efficiency" during the one-year period from July 2021 to June 2022, and analyzed online behavioral logs for the 180 minutes before and after the search.

First, let's look at the demographics of those interested in "fuel efficiency."

In terms of gender, more than 80% of the respondents were male relative to the total number of Internet users, indicating that the male ratio is very high. Men seem to be more concerned about "fuel efficiency" than women.

Of these, more than 60% are in the 20s to 40s age groups, indicating that these groups are highly interested in "fuel efficiency."

User attributes of people interested in "fuel efficiency": Gender and age group

Period: July 2021 - June 2022
Devices: PC and smartphone

A relatively large number of households had annual household incomes of 10 million yen or more, and a wide range of households showed a high level of awareness for energy conservation.

User attributes of people interested in "fuel efficiency": Annual household income

Period: July 2021 - June 2022
Devices: PC and smartphone

Users interested in "fuel efficiency" were classified into 6 clusters

Next, we conducted a cluster analysis of users interested in "fuel efficiency" based on the keywords they searched for. The results were classified into six clusters: "fuel efficiency calculation," "domestic manufacturers," "motorbikes/mopeds," "foreign cars," "hybrids," and "rental cars."

The characteristics of each cluster are as follows:

Fuel consumption calculation

Aside from keywords related to fuel consumption, such as ranking of fuel-efficient cars, other keywords include maintenance-related keywords like engine oil, and car models like OUTLANDER and MIRAI.

Domestic manufacturers
In addition to car brands like Toyota, Suzuki, and Subaru, they also searched for car models like AQUA and HARRIER.
Searched for types of motorbikes such as CYGNUS and SUPER CUB and Naked and keywords related to engine displacement such as 125CC and 250CC.
Foreign cars
Searched for names of car manufacturers like BMW, Volvo, Citreon, and Renault .
Searched for car manufacturers like Toyota, Honda, and car models such as YARIS, SERENA, and pre-owned vehicles, light vehicles and actual fuel consumption.
Rental carsIn addition to gasoline-related keywords like gasoline (money), gasoline, and gasoline prices, keywords including Toyota Rent-a-car, Times Rent-a-car, Toyota self-service rental car, and Chokunori (ride right away) were common searches。

Clusters of users interested in "fuel efficiency"

Period: July 2021 - June 2022
Devices: PC and smartphone

Characteristics of the "domestic manufacturers" and "foreign car" clusters

Next, among the six clusters, we focused on two distinctive clusters, "domestic manufacturers" and "foreign cars," and conducted further in-depth analysis using the online behavior analytics tool "story bank."

The proportion of males searching "foreign cars" was even higher

First, let's look at the gender and age of the "domestic manufacturers" cluster.

There is a high percentage of men in their 20s-40s, with these age groups accounting for more than half of the total cluster. In addition, those in their 50s were 3.4 points higher compared to all Internet users.

User attributes of the "domestic manufacturers" cluster: Gender and age group

Period: July 2021 - June 2022
Devices: PC and smartphone

The proportion of males in the "foreign car" cluster increased even more, and approximately 80% of the respondents are in their 20s-50s. This suggests that "foreign cars" are more popular among men.

User attributes of the "foreign cars" cluster: Gender and age group

Period: July 2021 – June 2022
Devices: PC and smartphone

The "domestic manufacturers" cluster is interested in travel, while the "foreign cars" cluster is interested in accessories

Next, let's look at what other genres of interest there are besides automotive vehicles.

Using "story bank," we can determine the interests of target online behavior group, based on the categories asked in the survey.

The "domestic manufacturers" cluster seems to be interested in domestic travel, motorcycles, and camping. They are very conscious of using their cars for outdoor activities and travel.

Genres of interest of the "domestic manufacturers" cluster

Period: July 2021 - June 2022
Devices: PC and smartphone

On the other hand, the "foreign cars" cluster seems to be interested in money/investment and digital devices. The high interest in sports (jogging, exercising at the gym, and other sports that they can do themselves) and wristwatches also suggests that they are conscious of investing in themselves.

Genres of interest of the "foreign cars" cluster

Period: July 2021 - June 2022
Devices: PC and smartphone

Younger people are more interested in "domestic manufacturers," while the "foreign cars" cluster is more interested in money

Finally, let's look at which apps users in each cluster are interested in. This is also analyzed in the same way using "story bank."

The "domestic manufacturers" cluster was found to be characterized by the use of dating apps, such as "with" and "Pairs," manga apps, such as "Manga One" and "Magapoke," and low-cost smartphone-related apps, such as "LTE Line Status Checker" and "povo2.0."

The fact that many dating apps, manga apps, and low-cost smartphone apps are ranked in the list is likely due to the relatively young age group.

Apps of interest in the "domestic manufacturers" cluster

Period: July 2021 - June 2022
Devices: PC and smartphone

The "foreign cars" cluster often has investment apps, such as "SBI Securities" and "Nomura Stock," high on the list, indicating a strong interest in money. In addition, music-related apps, such as "Soundhouse" and "Sony," were ranked high, exhibiting a habit of listening to music on the daily.

Apps of interest in the "foreign cars" cluster

Period: July 2021 - June 2022
Devices: PC and smartphone


We surveyed and analyzed the "fuel efficiency" interest group using the "story bank" online behavior analytics tool.

Based on the study, the following implications can be made regarding people that are interested in “fuel efficiency”:
・There is a high ratio of males
・The number of households with annual incomes of 10 million yen or more is relatively high

The results were further classified into six clusters: "fuel efficiency calculation," "domestic manufacturers," "motorbikes/mopeds," "foreign cars," "hybrid cars," and "rental cars." Among these, the "domestic manufacturers" and "foreign cars" clusters had a very high percentage of males, and approximately 80% of the respondents were in their 20s-50s.

Differences were also seen in the genres of interest and are reflected in the apps they use:
・The "domestic manufacturers" cluster is interested in domestic travel, motorcycles, and camping, and often uses apps for dating, reading manga, and low-cost smartphones.
・The "foreign cars" cluster is interested in wristwatches and digital devices, and have investment and music apps.

As seen from this study, there are many different backgrounds and personalities of people interested in "fuel efficiency." It is becoming increasingly important to accurately grasp the attributes, interests, and digital behavior of target user groups not only in the automotive industry, but for marketing activities across all industries. It is also important to flexibly address their needs and provide them with the necessary information.

Data from "story bank," an online behavior analytics tool, was used for this study. story bank is equipped with a dashboard that allows anyone to easily analyze consumer behavior and conduct research on target users in a short time without conducting surveys or collecting statistical data. Please click on the link below to request more information.



気になるガソリン価格の値上げ。燃費関心ユーザーはどんな人?消費者Web行動分析ツール「story bank」で調査

昨今、原油高の影響でガソリン価格が高騰しており、物流に影響を及ぼしているほか、家計も圧迫されるなどで省エネ意識が格段に高まっているのではないでしょうか。そこで今回は、自動車選びの中でも消費者が気になるポイントのひとつである「燃費」について、関心を持っているユーザーをクラスタ分析し、その人物像を調査しました。分析ツールはヴァリューズが提供する消費者Web行動分析ツール「story bank」を用いています。


Born and raised in the Bay Area, U.S.A, I was fascinated by the different social and purchasing behaviors between Japanese and American consumers. I studied communication for undergrad and international marketing for my graduate studies. My professional background is in bilingual recruitment and Japanese-English translation.


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