The latest trends provoke “empathy for real-life negative situations”? Analyzing popular characters and events

The latest trends provoke “empathy for real-life negative situations”? Analyzing popular characters and events

To generate buzz in a systematic manner, rather than by chance, it is important to look for commonalities in why certain things become a trend. We will analyze recent trends such as "cat memes," popular characters, and events to determine "what people are supporting these days, and why."

“Opanchu Usagi,” the most popular character among junior high and high school students right now!

"Opanchu Usagi" is a character created by the popular creator "KAWAISOUNI!" The concept is "I'm doing my best but my efforts do not pay off," and its two-panel comic is posted on its official X (formerly Twitter) account.

In a research regarding "2023 Trends" conducted by GMO Media, they surveyed 1,062 female junior high and high school students from November to December 2023, and "Opanchu Usagi" was ranked no. 1 in a ranking of the "Popular Characters of 2023," beating out "Chiikawa,” showing that it is currently the most popular character among young people.

Material from PR Times translated by VALUES

"Chiikawa,” a story that lets you empathize with pitiful situations

"Chiikawa" is a story about a timid and helpless character who, despite being prone to getting into trouble, somehow survives in a tough world, and it seems to resonate with the public.

Material from the Chiikawa website translated by VALUES

Why does Chiikawa fascinate modern-day people? Not just a soothing presence, but sympathy for its survival in a harsh world - Yahoo! News (Only in Japanese)

  日本国内のみにとどまらず、海外でも流行の兆しがみられる『ちいかわ なんか小さくてかわいいやつ(以下『ちいかわ』)』。   本作には“ちいかわ”の他、“ハチワレ”や“うさぎ”など、動物をモチーフ

「ちいかわ」ファンを分析!大人がハマる理由は?企業コラボで推し活促進も (Only in Japanese)


“Cat memes” that convey misfortune in a cute way

“Cat memes” are videos made using cut-out footage of cats. Many of the videos posted are reenactments of real-life unfortunate scenes that provoke empathy, such as a cat being scolded by its boss.

One of the defining features of cat memes is that they can convey unfortunate scenarios that people want others to relate to and empathize with but find difficult to explain, and they can do this in a light and fun way, taking advantage of the cuteness and humor unique to cat memes.

“Yadana Exhibit,” a collection of unpleasant moments that lurk in everyday life

The “Yadana Exhibit” was held for the first time in February 2023. The novelty of the concept and the relatability and empathy it provoked drew attention, and it became so popular that tickets sold out.

Material from PR Times translated by VALUES

A stuffed toy that embodies the “small despairs” of everyday life

This is a work by the account name “Makosun,” which is currently trending on X (formerly Twitter). The stuffed toys depict scenes that would make you feel a little sad, such as “beer with too much foam” and “broken makeup foundation.”

Material from Masukon’s official X account translated by VALUES

The key to the trend is “life-size realism” and “pitiful situations that make you want to root for them”

The commonalities between these are that they take unpleasant everyday scenarios and turn them into content that makes you chuckle, they depict relatable misfortunes and negative experiences, and they are realistic. This perspective, especially when with the characters, can make people feel sorry for the “pitiful situation” so much so that “you want to root for them.”

It seems that such straightforward content with a modest topic has been more likely to generate buzz in recent years. It will be interesting to keep an eye on what new trends will emerge while also effectively grasping consumer insights.


Born and raised in the Bay Area, U.S.A, I was fascinated by the different social and purchasing behaviors between Japanese and American consumers. I studied communication for undergrad and international marketing for my graduate studies. My professional background is in bilingual recruitment and Japanese-English translation.




東京ディズニーリゾートを楽しむためには、今や必要不可欠になりつつある公式アプリ「Tokyo Disney Resort App」。20代〜30代の未婚女性を中心とするアプリユーザーの人となりを考察し、ファンタジースプリングスに代表される直近2年間の施策が公式サイト・アプリに与えた影響を、データとともに振り返ります。







データ分析のヴァリューズ、 「デジタル・トレンド白書2024 – 金融編」を公開

データ分析のヴァリューズ、 「デジタル・トレンド白書2024 – 金融編」を公開

ヴァリューズは、国内最大規模の消費者Web行動ログパネルを保有し、データマーケティング・メディア「マナミナ」にて消費トレンドの自主調査を発信してきました。その中から注目領域の調査・コラムをピックアップし、白書として収録。2021年の発行から4回目を迎えます。今回は2023年下半期から2024年に公開した調査から厳選し、金融業界のデジタル動向をまとめた「デジタル・トレンド白書2024 – 金融編」を公開しました。ダウンロード特典として、銀行、証券など金融各業界のサイトランキングも収録しています。(「デジタル・トレンド白書2024 – 金融編」ページ数|90P)



















株式会社サイバーエージェントは、インターネット広告事業の「サイバーエージェント次世代生活研究所」において、「2024年 Z世代SNS利用率調査」を実施し、Z世代が利用しているSNSおよび各世代のSNS利用率・認知率を発表しました。

競合も、業界も、トレンドもわかる、マーケターのためのリサーチエンジン Dockpit 無料登録はこちら


