Hyundai, South Korea's largest automobile manufacturer. Investigating the reaction to their new EV "KONA"

Hyundai, South Korea's largest automobile manufacturer. Investigating the reaction to their new EV "KONA"

Hyundai re-entered the Japanese market in 2022 and began selling its compact SUV KONA EV in November 2023. It attracted attention for its relatively affordable price (3,993,999 yen) among other EV SUV models. Based on KONA web page visitors, we’ll analyze the interest segment, other manufacturers, and traffic sources.

What kind of car is Hyundai's new EV "KONA"?

KONA is the third EV that Hyundai has released since re-entering the Japanese market in 2022.

At 4,455 millimeters in length, 1,825 millimeters in width, and 1,590 millimeters in height, it is one size smaller than the previously two models that were released, making it a relatively compact SUV within Hyundai’s models. However, the overall width is 1,825 millimeters, which is larger than a regular car, so it has a stronger presence than a typical compact SUV.

The price starts from 3,993,000 yen, which is more affordable than the two other Hyundai models released earlier. Furthermore, it is eligible for the EV subsidy, so you can purchase it at an even better price (as of March 2024).

KONA is a model that is already sold overseas, but has been improved for the Japanese market.

For example, they have introduced Drive Mode Select (DMS), which allows for four driving modes--Normal, Eco, Sport, and Snow--so that it can be adapted Japan's wide variety of road environments.

However, all four grades sold are front-wheel drive and are not suitable for rough roads, so they will be mainly used for casual driving in the city, rather than a full-fledged SUV that can run on any road.

What kind of people are interested in the Hyundai KONA?

Now, let's consider what kind of demographic is interested in the Hyundai KONA, based on data collected from people who visited the official Hyundai KONA website.

This research was conducted using VALUES' online behavioral analytics tool “Dockpit,” which uses online behavioral log data that is updated monthly to analyze competitors’ websites and investigate trends.

Number of visitors to the Hyundai KONA web page
Period: August 2023 - February 2024
Devices: PC, smartphone

The number of website visitors began to increase from August 2023. The number of visitors has gradually increased, peaking at almost 600,000 people in November 2023, but the number of visitors has been decreasing since then.

Approximately 90% of visitors are male, with a high level of interest among people in their 20s, 50s, and 60s

Next, let's take a look at website visitors by gender. We will use data from February 2024 as reference.

Visitors to the Hyundai KONA web page by gender
Period: February 2024
Devices: PC, smartphone

Among the visitors, 88.7% are male, making up a disproportionately large number of visitors. This may have something to do with the fact that cars such as EVs and SUVs have features that attract men's interest.

Next, let's look at the visitors by age group.

Visitors to the Hyundai KONA web page by age group
Period: February 2024
Devices: PC, smartphone

Interest is high among people in their 20s, 50s, and 60s. Is it the affordable price that is attracting interest?

This may be related to the fact that people in their 20s will be able to ride the Hyundai KONA from December 2023 on the car sharing / rental care service Anyca. Are young people searching because they are interested in car sharing and rental car services?

For visitors in their 50s and 60s, price may have something to do with it. Generally, non-Japanese EVs are expensive to purchase, and the same goes for Hyundai's other two models. (IONIQ 5 and IONIQ 5 Limited Edition are regarded as the same model)

The fact that it can be purchased at a reasonable price of approximately 4 million yen while being in the non-Japanese car category is probably attracting the interest of people in their 50s and 60s who value high quality.

High interest among annual household incomes of 8 million to 10 million yen

Next, we will look at how many people across different annual household incomes are interested.

Visitors to the Hyundai KONA web page by annual household income
Period: February 2024
Devices: PC, smartphone

Interest among those with an annual household income of 8 million to 10 million yen is by far the highest. Does it have anything to do with the Hyundai KONA’s relatively affordable price among SUV EVs?

Interest is high among married people and those with children

Next, we will look at the visitors’ marital status and whether they have children or not.

Visitors of the Hyundai KONA web page by marital status
Period: February 2024
Devices: PC, smartphone

Whether visitors to the Hyundai KONA web page have children or not
Period: February 2024

Interest is high among married people and those with children. Of course, price is a factor, but it may also be related to the Hyundai KONA’s features and spaciousness.

For example, the Smart Power Liftgate function allows you to open the liftgate hands-free, and the rear seats can be folded down to expand the luggage space.

They tend to be compared with Japanese cars

Next, we will take a look at what manufacturers people are comparing the Hyundai KONA with.

Automotive manufacturer websites that visitors to the Hyundai KONA web are interested in
Period: February 2024
Devices: PC, smartphone
*Prioritizing combined use, limited to the “Automotive Company” website category

With the websites for Honda, Toyota, Nissan, etc. at the top, you can see that the Hyundai KONA is being compared with Japanese cars.

Considering that Honda and Toyota are included in the comparison, which have low EV sales, it may be that they want to compare a variety of cars, including gas-powered cars, rather than comparing them with EVs.

Although Lexus is included in the comparison, non-Japanese car manufacturers are not included, so it may be that it is being compared as an economy car rather than a luxury car.

Organic search is the main way to attract customers to the official website

Finally, we will look at the website's traffic sources.

Traffic sources for the Hyundai KONA web page
Period: February 2024
Devices: PC, smartphone
*Excluding those with no referrer

More than 90% of the traffic to the Hyundai KONA web page comes from organic searches, and it seems that they are not focusing on advertising at the moment. Is it a unique strategy similar to Tesla’s where customers are attracted without using any advertising?

Traffic sources for the Hyundai website
Period: February 2024
Devices: PC, smartphone
*Excluding those with no referrer

However, since the traffic sources for Hyundai's website is mainly display ads, there is a possibility that display ads will also increase for KONA in the future.

Since it has only recently been released, they may be keeping a close eye on sales trends.


Using the data from visitors to the Hyundai KONA website, we investigated the volume, interested segments, manufacturers considered for comparison, and methods of attracting customers.

After peaking at the start of sales, the number of website visitors has been decreasing, and it appears that men are particularly interested. We also found that people in their 20s, 50s, and 60s, and those in the 8 million to 10 million yen bracket, are interested.

Although the Hyundai KONA is a non-Japanese car, it is often compared to Japanese cars, and its price range suggests that it is being compared as a consumer car rather than a luxury car.

Organic search accounted for more than 90% of the traffic sources, but since Hyundai's main website attracts a lot of customers through display ads, display ads may increase in the future.

Since it has only been long since being on the market, we hope to keep an eye on their future sales strategies.

About Dockpit

▼Data from Dockpit was used in this case study. Dockpit is an online behavior analytics tool provided by VALUES, Inc., and it allows you to access online behavioral data (updated monthly) via your browser so you can research competitor websites and investigate trends. There is a FREE version of Dockpit, so if you are interested in using it, please register below.

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2022年に日本市場に再進出したHYUNDAI(ヒョンデ)は、2023年11月にコンパクトSUVのEV「KONA(コナ)」の販売を開始しました。SUVのEVでありながら、車体価格が399万3,000円からと、他の高額なモデルと比較して手頃な価格であることが注目されています。今回は ヒョンデKONA(コナ)Webページの訪問者の調査を行い、どのような人が関心を持っているかや比較対象となるメーカー、集客構造を調査していきます。


Born and raised in the Bay Area, U.S.A, I was fascinated by the different social and purchasing behaviors between Japanese and American consumers. I studied communication for undergrad and international marketing for my graduate studies. My professional background is in bilingual recruitment and Japanese-English translation.


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2022年に日本市場に再進出したHYUNDAI(ヒョンデ)は、2023年11月にコンパクトSUVのEV「KONA(コナ)」の販売を開始しました。SUVのEVでありながら、車体価格が399万3,000円からと、他の高額なモデルと比較して手頃な価格であることが注目されています。今回は ヒョンデKONA(コナ)Webページの訪問者の調査を行い、どのような人が関心を持っているかや比較対象となるメーカー、集客構造を調査していきます。










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