Will Isuzu's "Truck for Everyone," ELFmio, Be a Game Changer? Analyzing Initial Response with Website Visitor Data

Will Isuzu's "Truck for Everyone," ELFmio, Be a Game Changer? Analyzing Initial Response with Website Visitor Data

In July 2024, Isuzu Motors announced its new ELFmio truck. This truck can be driven with a regular driver's license and is marketed as a "Truck for Everyone." The aim is to address the shortage of truck drivers in the logistics sector. We analyzed the impact of ELFmio through website visitor data.

Isuzu Motors' new strategy! About its new truck ELFmio

On July 24, 2024, Isuzu Motors, a major Japanese truck manufacturer, announced its new truck, the ELFmio. When we looked at the number of people searching "ELFmio" using VALUES, Inc.'s online behavior analytics tool "Dockpit," we saw that there was a sharp increase in July when the truck was announced.

Number of people searching for the keywords "ELFmio" and "ELFmio" (written エルフミオ)
Period: March 2024 - August 2024
Devices: PC, smartphone

The ELFmio has been attracting a lot of attention, but what features does this truck have? Its most notable feature is that it can be driven with a regular driver’s license. This highlights the "Truck for Everyone" theme emphasized on the official website.

Under current law, only vehicles with a total weight of 3.5 tons or less can be driven with a regular driver’s license. Most commercial trucks exceed this limit, but the ELFmio meets the requirement, making it accessible for more people to drive. As we will discuss later, this could be a stepping stone to addressing the issue surrounding the shortage of truck drivers.

Differentiation through unique advertising and online sales

The ELFmio is attracting attention as a commercial "Truck for Everyone" and demonstrates innovation in its advertising and sales methods.

First, let’s look at the advertising. When it comes to Isuzu Motors, the famous commercial with the memorable line "Hashire, hashire, Isuzu trucks!” (meaning "Run, run, Isuzu truck!") may come to mind.

However, the ELFmio commercial presents a different image from the usual Isuzu ads, which often feature the horizon and large trucks.

The commercial shows Tsubasa Honda, an actress playing the main character, driving the ELFmio as scenes of everyday life in the town unfold. Unlike traditional commercials that focus solely on the truck, this ad emphasizes the driver and the fact that it is indeed a "Truck for Everyone." Featuring various characters, the ad seems to be aimed not only at people in the commercial trucking industry but also at the general public.

Let’s also look at ELFmio from the perspective of its sales methods. Since Isuzu primarily focuses on the production of commercial vehicles, its sales are usually aimed at companies, such as construction machinery manufacturers. However, for the ELFmio, which is sold to general consumers, Isuzu has launched a sales website called the ELFmio Store. The website promotes that consultations, negotiations, and orders can all be done online. Not only can it be driven with a regular driver's license, but it is also easy to use.

Data analysis of the ELFmio website using Dockpit

Next, we will analyze the ELFmio product page and sales website using Dockpit. The following graph shows the number of website visitors to the ELFmio product page (pink) and the ELFmio sales website (blue).

Number of visitors to the ELFmio product page and sales website
Period: October 2023 - September 2024
Devices: PC, smartphone

Both websites have seen a significant increase in the number of visitors in just a few months since their launch, but the sales website, in particular, shows an upward trend. It can be said that more people are either making a purchase or considering making one.

Next, let's look at the distribution of the age groups among visitors.

Age groups of visitors to the ELFmio product page and sales website
Period: October 2023 - September 2024
Devices: PC, smartphone

Both pages have a relatively high number of visitors from older age groups. This reflects the characteristic of the trucking industry, where the average age of employees is higher than in other industries (Reference: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: https://www.mlit.go.jp/common/001225739.pdf). However, there do not seem to be many visits from the younger demographic, who would be interested in a different advertising format than usual. It may take some time to reach out to the younger demographic, and it may take some thought to refine the content of the advertising.

Will Isuzu be able to help alleviate the driver shortage? What is Isuzu aiming to do?

What is Isuzu Motors' objective with the ELFmio, which incorporates a number of new initiatives such as being a truck that can be driven with a regular license, a commercial targeting the general public, and an entirely online sales process?

According to the following website, the company's president, Shinsuke Minami, said, "There are customer segments in the retail and construction industries that we have not been able to approach before. We want to offer options and address social issues."

Isuzu's "ELFmio" small-sized diesel truck to go on sale on January 30, can be driven with a regular driver's license - Automobile Business Association of Japan (in Japanese)


The Automobile Business Association of Japan is an organization of automobile-related businesses. It provides information on activities and the latest news.

It seems that the company aims to attract new customers by selling trucks with fewer license restrictions. Furthermore, it also shows that the company is focusing on solving social issues.

From the perspective of social issues, one of the major problems related to the transportation industry is the "shortage of truck drivers." In 2017, the Road Traffic Act was amended, and the semi-medium vehicle license was introduced. This narrowed the range of vehicles that can be driven with a regular driver's license, making it impossible to drive many medium-sized trucks with a regular license. As a result, the barrier to entry for becoming a truck driver increased, exacerbating the shortage. The ELFmio, which meets this new standard, may provide a stepping stone toward resolving the shortage of truck drivers of this era, when online shopping is expected to continue to grow.

Our research focused on Isuzu Motors' new truck, the ELFmio. What emerged was a convenient truck that can be driven with a regular driver’s license and purchased entirely online, against the backdrop of a serious truck driver shortage exacerbated by changes in the licensing system.

However, it seems there is still room for growth in appealing to the younger generation, which is crucial for addressing the shortage of drivers. We will continue to keep an eye on Isuzu Motors' new initiatives aimed at solving social issues and acquiring new customers.

About Dockpit

Data from Dockpit was used in this case study. Dockpit is an online behavior analytics tool provided by VALUES, Inc., and it allows you to access online behavioral data (updated monthly) via your browser so you can research competitor websites and investigate trends. There is a FREE version of Dockpit, so if you are interested in using it, please register below.

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いすゞの「だれでもトラック」エルフミオは変革を起こすか? Webサイト訪問者データで初動を分析




Born and raised in the Bay Area, U.S.A, I was fascinated by the different social and purchasing behaviors between Japanese and American consumers. I studied communication for undergrad and international marketing for my graduate studies. My professional background is in bilingual recruitment and Japanese-English translation.








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