Supportive fans are willing to spend money? “Oshikatsu” insights & applying it to marketing strategy

Supportive fans are willing to spend money? “Oshikatsu” insights & applying it to marketing strategy

“Oshikatsu” stimulates consumption in Japan. In fact, more than 80-90% of teens answered that they have an “Oshi.” We will deepen our understanding by investigating the current state of the “Oshikatsu” market, behaviors like time and money spent on “Oshikatsu,” and its connection with collaborations, etc. in marketing.

What is “Oshikatsu”?

“Oshikatsu,” means to enthusiastically support someone/something, like an idol.
Please see the article below for more explanation of “Oshikatsu” and the findings of the previous research.

Supportive fans are willing to spend money? Research on the “Oshikatsu” culture that supports the Japan market

There has been increasing focus on “Oshikatsu,” which means to enthusiastically support someone/something, like an idol. We researched this consumption trend to understand the Japanese market today.

How widespread has “Oshikatsu” become?

First, we investigated the general market and found that the percentage of people who have an “Oshi” has increased compared to 2022. Especially among teenagers, 80-90% of respondents answered that they had an “Oshi,” indicating that it has become a very popular pastime among young people. Generation Z is said to be unsuitable for mass marketing, but if you can motivate them to support someone of something, they may be more likely to purchase related products or services.

The term “Oshi” refers to one’s “favorite” of something or someone, such as idols, fictional characters, athletes, or objects.
The term “Oshikatsu” refers to activities in support of one’s “Oshi.”

How serious are “Oshikatsu” activities?

We conducted a survey by segmenting respondents based on their level of enthusiasm based on two axes: the amount of money and time they spend on “Oshikatsu.” As a result, the “SUPER HEAVY” segment accounted for approximately 10% of the total, the “HEAVY” segment approximately 15%, the “MIDDLE” segment approximately 21%, and the “LIGHT” segment approximately 54%. It can be seen that approximately 1/4 of the respondents heavily practice “Oshikatsu” with a high level of enthusiasm.

In addition, when plotting by category, the people who support “Idols,” “2D characters,” and “2.5D stage actors” spent more amount of money and time than others.

“Numa-Ochi Process” – Summary

Next, we focused on the “Oshikatsu” cycle and investigated the "Numa-Ochi Process" ("numa-ochi" meaning to "get hooked onto something") from encountering a potential “Oshi” to practicing actual “Oshikatsu” activities. We found that it takes about a year and a half from encountering a potential “Oshi” to actually solidifying them as an “Oshi,” and that activities that involve spending money begin within three months from the encounter.

What is the actual state of attitude change through content collaboration?

Finally, we will focus on a company's marketing activities.
When organized by industry and product category, we find that food-related collaborations tend to lead to product purchases and then to loyalty, while cosmetics/apparel-related collaborations tend to lead to brand recognition, and so on, and we found that each category has a different pattern of contribution to companies.

[Questionnaire research overview]
・Target: men and women ages 15 and over from VALUES, Inc.’s consumer panel (excluding junior high school students)
・Area: Nationwide (Japan)
・Devices: PC and smartphone
・Period: October 25-31, 2023
・Number of samples collected: 27,658
*This research uses weighted calculations based on population by gender and age group and internet usage rate. All numbers listed are weighted.


Born and raised in the Bay Area, U.S.A, I was fascinated by the different social and purchasing behaviors between Japanese and American consumers. I studied communication for undergrad and international marketing for my graduate studies. My professional background is in bilingual recruitment and Japanese-English translation.




東京ディズニーリゾートを楽しむためには、今や必要不可欠になりつつある公式アプリ「Tokyo Disney Resort App」。20代〜30代の未婚女性を中心とするアプリユーザーの人となりを考察し、ファンタジースプリングスに代表される直近2年間の施策が公式サイト・アプリに与えた影響を、データとともに振り返ります。







データ分析のヴァリューズ、 「デジタル・トレンド白書2024 – 金融編」を公開

データ分析のヴァリューズ、 「デジタル・トレンド白書2024 – 金融編」を公開

ヴァリューズは、国内最大規模の消費者Web行動ログパネルを保有し、データマーケティング・メディア「マナミナ」にて消費トレンドの自主調査を発信してきました。その中から注目領域の調査・コラムをピックアップし、白書として収録。2021年の発行から4回目を迎えます。今回は2023年下半期から2024年に公開した調査から厳選し、金融業界のデジタル動向をまとめた「デジタル・トレンド白書2024 – 金融編」を公開しました。ダウンロード特典として、銀行、証券など金融各業界のサイトランキングも収録しています。(「デジタル・トレンド白書2024 – 金融編」ページ数|90P)











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博報堂、生成AIで顧客の声(VoC)を可視化・分析する「DATA GEAR Voice Analysis」を提供開始

株式会社博報堂は、生成AIを活用して顧客の声(VoC:Voice of Customer)を可視化・分析するコンサルティングサービス「DATA GEAR Voice Analysis」の提供を開始したことを発表しました。







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