Recent trends in solo activities: People’s impressions, actual practice, and level of satisfaction

Recent trends in solo activities: People’s impressions, actual practice, and level of satisfaction

“Solo activities” refers to activities one engages in alone. In recent years, with the pandemic, various solo activities like camping, karaoke, and travel have been on the rise. VALUES' research found that there is a gap between the impression people have about solo activities and the actual activities being practiced.

What comes to mind when you hear "solo activities"?

This article summarizes the results of survey research conducted by VALUES, Inc.
Survey period: March 23, 2023 - March 30, 2023
Number of respondents: 16,549
First, here are the results to the question, "What comes to mind when you hear ‘solo activities’?”

Survey research: "What comes to mind when you hear the term ‘solo activities’?” (Overall recall)
Survey period: March 23, 2023 - March 30, 2023
Sample size: 16,549

When it comes to "solo activities," camping has the strongest impression

In a ranking of what comes to mind for when one hears “solo activities,” the most frequently given answer “camping” (over 20% of the answers given). As the name "solo camping" suggests, it is camping where one can enjoy an open atmosphere and delicious camp meals alone, and it has garnered popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Solo camping reflects the need to spend time away from the restrictions of everyday life and the ability to be oneself.

Karaoke and travel are no longer social activities that require multiple people?

Solo karaoke and traveling alone also ranked high on the list of activities that come to mind when one hears "solo activities.” Nowadays, there are even stores dedicated to solo karaoke.

And traveling alone allows you the freedom to plan as you please and the ease of taking responsibility for any problems that may arise instead of taking into others’ needs and considerations.
All of these activities incorporate the advantages and appeal of solo activities.

Few people consider concerts and fan support as solo activities

Few people consider live performances / concerts / theatre and fan support / otaku (a person with obsessive interests, such as anime/manga) activities as solo activities, resulting in a low percentage. With the recent development and growth of social media, it has become easier to meet and connect with friends with similar interests outside of one's usual community. This may be the reason why people feel the activities mentioned involve multiple people working together in support of something. Also, for live performances, the desire for the shared experience and the sense of physical presence seems to be a major factor.

Ramen noodles, amusement parks and aquariums are to be enjoyed socially

Ramen, amusement parks, and aquariums/zoos ranked low. People feel that commercial facilities are places where several people get together, and ramen may be seen in as a popular meal to have when with others.

Impression of "solo activities" by gender and age group

Next, let's look at the impressions that people have surrounding "solo activities" by age group and gender. This is how the previous ranking breaks down by gender and age group.

Survey research: "What comes to mind when you hear the term "solo activity"? (By gender, overall recall)
Survey period: March 23, 2023 - March 30, 2023
Sample size: 16,549 (Male: 8,307, Female: 8,242)

Women in their 50s want to enjoy their alone time outside?

Camping was popular among all age groups and genders, with men in their 40s and women in their 50s showing particularly high percentages. Women in their 50s also showed high percentages for travel, suggesting that many are looking for ways to spend their time alone outside. On the other hand, among women, younger generations tended to feel that karaoke and yakiniku (Japanese-style grilled meat) / BBQ are considered solo activities.

What proportionally increases with age?

Driving varies between men and women, but the percentage increases with age. Driving is expensive, including the initial and running costs of owning a car. For today's young people, who tend to have low disposable incomes and see cars as something that they can use via subscription or rent rather than owning, driving is something they do on special occasions when they spend time with others, and they may not see it as something they can take up as a solo activity.

What "solo activities" have you actually done?

Next, let's look at the solo activities people have actually done. When asked about "solo activities they have actually done," 35% said they have never done any of the solo activities. There is a gap between the impression of solo activities and the activities they have actually done.

Survey research: "What solo activities have you actually done?"
Survey period: March 23, 2023 - March 30, 2023
Sample size: 16,549 (Male: 8,307, Female: 8,242)
*Hocance...... is a coined word combining hotel + vacances (meaning "vacation" in French) and refers to spending elegant leisure time at a luxury hotel with meals, spa treatments, and activities.

The table below shows the percentages of "actual solo activities" broken down by gender and age group.

Survey research: "What solo activities have you actually done?" (By gender and age group)
Survey period: March 23, 2023 - March 30, 2023
Sample size: 16,549 (Male: 8,307, Female: 8,242)

They eat ramen alone, but it's not considered a solo activity?

Solo ramen, commonly called "hitori ramen" among Japanese people, was low on the list of "things that come to mind when they hear the word 'solo activity.'" Excluding "none in particular," it ranked first among solo activities that people have actually done. This may seem contradictory at first glance, but it means that "ramen is not a solo activity, but it is considered an activity that is socially acceptable to be done alone," and it seems that eating ramen alone is already familiar to the general public, not something special. Solo ramen is especially favored by men in their 30s to 50s.

In addition to ramen, men tended to do more solo activities with regard to food, such as yakiniku and gyudon (beef bowl) restaurants.

Solo sushi over solo yakiniku?

Solo sushi ranks higher than solo yakiniku, for which there are stores exclusively for solo customers. Sushi restaurants, whether conveyor-belt or upscale, generally have counter seating. As with ramen, it can be said that the solo sushi scene was already in existence before the term "solo activity" was coined.

There is still time to popularize hocance

As for hocance, it had a low percentage. The modern-day impression of hocance seems to have a stronger aspect of "getting together with others for a party or other purpose and enjoying an extraordinary experience in a nice space" rather than "spending a luxurious time alone at a hotel."

Do people actually do solo camping?

Camping, which was an activity many people felt was a major "solo activity," was actually done by less than 5% of the respondents.

Solo camping requires preparing equipment and researching locations, which takes time and money. If you do it with someone else, you can share the responsibilities, and in terms of motivation, you will be able to steadily prepare leading up to the trip, but as a solo activity, it may be easier to start with doing activities in familiar places, such as a restaurant or a movie theater.

Satisfaction with "solo activity" is high across the board

We also surveyed the level of satisfaction with the actual solo activity. The results show that the percentage of respondents who are "more satisfied with solo activities" is particularly high in the following categories: gyudon restaurant, movie theater, camping, sauna, karaoke, travel, and hocance. The fact that the majority of respondents were "more satisfied with solo activities" in many of the categories indicates the great advantage of solo activities is that "things proceed as one wishes." Although the number of people who actually practiced hocance was low, many people may have said that it was better than they imagined when they tried it.

Survey research: "Level of satisfaction with actual solo activity"
Survey period: March 23, 2023 - March 30, 2023
Sample size: 16,549 (Male: 8,307, Female: 8,242)

Free response: What is attractive about solo activities?

Finally, here are some free response answers to the question, "What is attractive about solo activities?" (*Comments are left as the original text)

All age groups: "I like the freedom that solo activities allow for"

The overwhelming opinion of all age groups and both genders was "I can do as I want" and "I don't have to worry about others."

Teen female: "Being able to do it whenever I want. I don't have to adjust to others"
Male in their 30s: "It was an opportunity for me to reflect about myself"
Male in his 40s: "I can't concentrate if I'm with my wife or children. When I want to immerse myself in my own world, it can only be done solo"
Female in her 50s: "Even if it is only for a short time, I find it attractive because it is a time to be free from parenting, housework, and work"
Male in his 60s: "I can make progress quickly

The ease of making appointments is also a factor

The comments reveal people's individual preferences, especially with regard to movies and live performances. In some cases, the number of movie theater seats or circumstances regarding live concert tickets have influenced solo activities.

Male in their 40s: "I think movies make for the best solo activities because you can watch them in silence"
Female in their 40s: "As for live performances, I was only able to apply for one person"
Male in his 50s: "It is easy to get a seat"

Through experiencing solo activities, you will learn the charms of doing things with more than one person

Through experiencing solo activities, some respondents were able to rediscover the importance of human interaction and the appeal of activities with a large number of people.

Teen female: "Even if I am with someone I get along with, the details of our tastes are a bit different, so when I want to take my time to enjoy artworks at museums, I sometimes take the opportunity to view them alone. Of course, spending time with friends and family can lead to new discoveries, so I also value social activities"
Female in her 30s: "It is easy to make friends with the locals"
Male in his 30s: "I don't have to worry about other people. I can freely decide when to depart, when to leave and where I want to go. There are various discoveries that I can make because I am alone. I recognize the importance of the people around me because I am acting alone. (For example, when I find a good restaurant or a fun place to go alone, I think, 'Next time I want to come with my family or friends.')"
Male in his 60s: "Solo activities themselves are fun, but on the contrary, I have become more caring of those around me"

In this article, we have investigated "solo activities."
Even if something like amusement parks and aquariums do not easily conjure the impression of "solo activities," if they can provide a "special feeling of being alone" like when watching a movie, they may take root as "solo activities" in the future.





Born and raised in the Bay Area, U.S.A, I was fascinated by the different social and purchasing behaviors between Japanese and American consumers. I studied communication for undergrad and international marketing for my graduate studies. My professional background is in bilingual recruitment and Japanese-English translation.














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