Website traffic increased by 12 times in one year! Analyzing the "Smart Brain Dock" strategy with online behavioral data

Website traffic increased by 12 times in one year! Analyzing the "Smart Brain Dock" strategy with online behavioral data

"Smart Brain Dock" rebuffs the idea that brain docks are time-consuming and provides viewable test results within 30 minutes. Why has this service attracting more and more user interest? This time, we will analyze Smart Brain Dock's customer attraction strategy using VALUE's online behavior analytics tool Dockpit.

What is "Smart Brain Dock"?

"Smart Brain Dock" is a medical service provided by SmartScan, Inc. that allows you to undergo brain exams within a short time and at a low cost. You can make an appointment online, and you can go through reception, testing, and arrive home, all within about 30 minutes.

Users can check test results on their smartphones, and since the one-time consultation fee is set at a low price, it lowers the bar when using the services again in the future, and it is attracting attention for being a service that can help detect serious physical abnormalities at an early stage.

What markets are now gathering attention among businesspersons? Survey based on "market size" query search data

It is very important for businesspersons to keep an eye on various markets. Using VALUES' web behavior analytics tool Dockpit, we will investigate and analyze the trends of query searches on "market size" to find out which industries are currently experiencing a rise in interest trends among businesspersons.

Analyzing Smart Brain Dock users using Dockpit

In this article, we will investigate Smart Brain Dock users and methods for attracting customers online from various perspectives. For analysis, we will use VALUES’ online behavior analytics tool "Dockpit,” which allows you to analyze competitor websites and research trends within your browser with behavioral data updated monthly.

Changes in the number of Smart Brain Dock users

First, we'll look at how the number of Smart Brain Dock users is increasing. In Dockpit, we extracted the trend data of the number of Smart Brain Dock users.

Changes in the number of Smart Brain Dock users (Screenshot from Dockpit)
Period: August 2021 - July 2022
Devices: PC and smartphone

Looking at the graph above, the number of Smart Brain Dock users has been steadily increasing over the past year. As of August 2021, it was about 20,000 users per month, but six months later, in February 2022, it exceeded 170,000 users. Since then, the latest data for July 2022 has recorded 250,000 monthly users, indicating that the number of users is steadily increasing.

Smart Brain Dock user attributes

As mentioned earlier, the number of users using Smart Brain Dock is increasing, but what kind of users are mainly using the service? Let's use Dockpit to see what Smart Brain Dock users look like.

User attributes of Smart Brain Dock users (Gender and age; screenshot from Dockpit)
Period: August 2021 - July 2022
Devices: PC and smartphone

Looking at the data on gender (top) and age (bottom) above, it seems that there are slightly more female users, around 52.0% of users. In addition, compared to all Internet users, there are many people in their 40s and 50s.

In terms of the having brain docks (exams), it seems that most are in their 40s or older and are beginning to become more aware of their health.

Smart Brain Dock’s strategy to attract online customers

We will also analyze what kind of channels Smart Brain Dock is using to attract customers online, as well as its customer attraction strategy. We extracted the "customer attraction structure" data in Dockpit.

Smart Brain Dock's customer attraction structure (Screenshot from Dockpit)
Period: August 2021 - July 2022
Devices: PC and smartphone

From the customer attraction graph above, the channel that attracts the most customers is "organic search," with a percentage of 45.1%. You can see that the Smart Brain Dock works well to attract customers via search engines.

When excluding "direct referrals" for which is difficult to identify the customer attraction route, the channel that attracts the most customers is "email" at 16.3%. Smart Brain Dock claims that it is easy for users to use its services multiple times, so it can be assumed that it is actively conducting email marketing for existing members.

Another feature is that the percentage of customer attraction using programmatic advertising, such as listing and display ads, is small.

What other websites are Smart Brain Dock users interested in?

Finally, let's look at Dockpit to see what other websites Smart Brain Dock users are interested in.

Websites that Smart Brain Dock users are interested in (Prioritizing feature value; screenshot from Dockpit)
Period: July 2022
Devices: PC and smartphone

* The above list of websites prioritizes feature value and rearranged. The feature value will be larger if the website is characteristic of the Smart Brain Dock users, and smaller if it is a general website.

The website with the highest feature value is the “Medical Check Studio" website. Medical Check Studio is the operator of Smart Brain Dock and is a medical clinic with multiple locations in metropolitan areas.

Other clinics for internal medicine and pulmonary medicine also appeared at the top of the list. We don't know if it's the primary care physician for a particular user, but we think it is easy to see that a Smart Drain Dock user is someone who is conscious about their health.


This time, we analyzed Smart Brain Dock's users and customer attraction. We may conclude that the number of users is steadily increasing by incorporating users who are highly-conscious of about managing their health overall, including those taking brain exams.

State-of-the-art services such as Smart Brain Dock that use technology to lower mental bars for users for the medical and health fields continue to increase day by day. As society as a whole has become more aware of managing their health in recent years, we think other follow-up services will be launched one after another.

We hope that this survey will be useful for your marketing activities and market research.

[Research Overview]
・Analysis based on online activity data and user attribute information with the cooperation of panel participants nationwide
・Period of online behavioral data: August 2021 - July 2022
* The number of participants is estimated based on the occurrence rate of VALUES-owned participants and based on the domestic net population
* Target devices: Both PC and smartphone

About Dockpit

▼ For this analysis, we used the online behavior analytics tool Dockpit. Dockpit uses behavioral data (that is updated monthly) to analyze competitor websites and research trends, all within your browser. Dockpit also has a free version, so if you are interested, please register below.

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Born and raised in the Bay Area, U.S.A, I was fascinated by the different social and purchasing behaviors between Japanese and American consumers. I studied communication for undergrad and international marketing for my graduate studies. My professional background is in bilingual recruitment and Japanese-English translation.


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