How have consumers' search needs regarding "masks" changed? A look back at the COVID-19 from 2020 to 2022

How have consumers' search needs regarding "masks" changed? A look back at the COVID-19 from 2020 to 2022

With COVID-19, masks started to become a necessity globally that it became out of stock. However, many corporations helped supply the increased demand. We used Dockpit, VALUES' online behavioral analytics tool, to examine how consumer needs for masks have changed, since three years since the start of the pandemic.

[July-September 2020] High interest in the "availability" of masks

In 2020, COVID-19 spread throughout the world. In the early days of the pandemic, there was little information available, and anxiety grew, heightening people's wariness regarding the disease. Every morning, there were customers waiting in long lines at drugstores and supermarkets to purchase masks. Consumers were focused on how they can get their hands on masks because the production could not keep up with the rapid increase in demand.

Combination keywords for "mask"
(Period: July-September 2020, Devices: PC & smartphone)

Let's take a closer look. From July to September 2020, the top searches for masks were for the names of the companies that manufactured them. We can see that people were searching various search terms related to masks in an attempt to somehow find available masks.

When people could not find masks to buy, they had no choice but to make it by hand. That is why search terms such as "paper stencil" and "how to make / DIY" have risen to the top of the list.

[July-September 2021] High interest in the "effectiveness in preventing infection"

From July to September 2021, about a year after the COVID-19 outbreak, there was a slight change in the frequently-searched terms.

Keyword combination for "mask"
(Period: July-September 2021, Devices: PC & smartphone)

The situation has changed from a year ago, when non-woven (surgical grade) masks disappeared from store shelves, and in 2021, there is no shortage of non-woven masks. While interest in non-woven masks continues to grow, interest in its effectiveness in preventing infection is also growing. The news was reporting that the cloth masks were less effective in preventing infection, and this is thought to have increased interest in non-woven masks.

[July-September 2022] High interest in "three-dimensional" and "color"

In 2022, the number of positive cases gradually decreased and had been relatively calm, but just in July, the number of positive cases increased sharply. Searches regarding masks still were still high in 2022, and search terms regarding masks also changed.

Keyword combination for "mask"
(Period: July-September 2022, Devices: PC & smartphone)

The standard color for non-woven masks is white. However, since many people now wear masks daily, manufacturers now make them in various colors. The "mask" was positioned itself as a part of fashion or a form of etiquette.

Women who wear makeup also have a new problem where wearing a mask causes makeup to rub off. Wearing a three-dimensional mask reduces the contact between the face and the mask, so the makeup does not rub off as much. There are more choices, such as masks in colors that make the face appear more fair, masks with ruffles and lace designs, and masks with cute characters on them for children to wear.

At this point, the percentage of people searching for masks is now 60.4%, an increase from the previous year.

Females are the most interested in masks, and the percentage of younger users is gradually increasing

Sex distribution of people who searched for "mask"
(Period: July-September 2020, July-September 2021, July-September 2022, Devices: PC & smartphone)

At the beginning of 2020, the gender distribution was slightly more female with 55.2% of those searching for "mask" was female and 45.8% was male.

However, the percentage of women is gradually increasing from 2020 to 2022. This result also shows that expectations for the fashionable nature of masks are increasing.

Age distribution of people who searched for "mask”
(Period: July-September 2020, July-September 2021, July-September 2022, Devices: PC & smartphone)

Although the percentage of users in their 40s and 50s, who are parents, was high in 2020, the interest among young people in their 20s and 30s is increasing as their awareness has changed over the years and they have become "part of fashion." This may be the reason for the increase in interest among young people in their 20s and 30s.

From 2020 to 2022, it seems that for people, masks have changed from something that is "just simply worn" to wearing the "most effective in preventing infection," and then to "something that is more effective in preventing infection, but also satisfies your preferences and reduces your worries."

“Cost-effectiveness and fashionable" is the focus!

Three-dimensional masks are attracting attention from those who wear makeup. It is clear that such fashion-seeking users are also paying more attention to "price."

Inflow webpages when searching for "mask" and "three-dimensional"
(Period: July-September 2022, Devices: PC & smartphone)

The third most popular webpage after a search for "mask three-dimensional" was the Daiso's website, a major 100 yen store, and the third most popular webpage was a column article about the appearance of three-dimensional masks at Daiso for 100 yen (excluding tax) for 20 masks, indicating that consumers are becoming more cost-conscious about masks. This indicates that consumers are becoming more cost-conscious about masks.

The cost of non-woven masks, which are used daily and in some situations several per day, will have a significant impact on household budgets. We can see the dilemma of consumers who want to wear masks that are more comfortable and functional, while at the same time wanting to keep the cost of masks as low as possible.


In this case study, we analyzed the changing trends and user needs for "masks" based on data from July through September of 2020, when the impact of COVID-19 began to emerge, to the present, now in 2022.

The analysis revealed the following characteristics.

・In 2020, there was a shortage of "masks" and many users seemed to want the masks themselves, regardless of function.

・In 2021, "masks" were in short supply, indicating a high level of interest in its "effectiveness," such as which is more effective in preventing infection, non-woven masks or cloth masks, compared to cloth masks.

・In 2022, "masks" seem to be considered a part of fashion and etiquette, creating new search needs for mask functions such as "three-dimensional" and "color." Users are willing to purchase masks in a cost-effective manner.

Through this analysis, we found that consumer needs for "masks" gradually changed.

About Dockpit

▼Data from Dockpit was used in this case study. Dockpit is an online behavior analytics tool provided by VALUES, Inc., and it allows you to access online behavioral data (updated monthly) via your browser so you can research competitor websites and investigate trends. There is a FREE version of Dockpit, so if you are interested in using it, please register below.

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2020年はじめ、新型コロナウイルスがまん延したことで世界中でマスク需要が高まりました。感染予防として必需品となったマスクは、一時期品切れになっていたほど。その後新型コロナウイルス感染症の知識が蓄積されていき、企業努力もあってかマスクの生産体制は需要を満たすところまで整いました。 新型コロナウイルス感染症の流行開始から3年を経た2022年の今「マスク」に対する消費者ニーズはどのように変化したのでしょうか。ヴァリューズのWeb行動ログ分析ツール「Dockpit」のデータから「マスク」に対する消費者ニーズの移り変わりをみていきます。 ※なお今回は冬の感染症や春秋の花粉症といった、新型コロナウイルス以外の影響を極力避けて調査しています。


マナミナは" まなべるみんなのデータマーケティング・マガジン "。



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インターネット行動ログ分析によるマーケティング調査・コンサルティングサービスを提供する株式会社ヴァリューズ(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:辻本 秀幸、以下「ヴァリューズ」)は、国内の20歳以上の男女45,818人を対象に、今夏の旅行予定に関する消費者アンケート調査を実施しました。またヴァリューズが保有する約250万人の独自消費者パネルを活用したインターネット行動ログ分析ツール「Dockpit(ドックピット)」を使用して、消費者の観光ニーズを分析しました。

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動画視聴を通じてポイ活を行うアプリ「TikTok Lite」が注目を集めています。「TikTok」に少し変化を加えただけに思えるこのアプリですが、実は「TikTok」と同じぐらい勢いがうかがえます。そこで、本記事では「TikTok Lite」と「TikTok」のアプリユーザーのデータを分析し、双方の違いから「TikTok Lite」の人気の要因を探っていきます。

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