From Gen Z to seniors! Commonalities and differences in how they select rental property

From Gen Z to seniors! Commonalities and differences in how they select rental property

COVID has dramatically changed how we live and work. What are people looking for in a new place when starting a “new chapter” in their life? With some Gen Z are old enough to live on their own, how has preferences for housing changed? We researched preferences by generation when it comes to rental property.

Are people in their 20s currently enthusiastic about searching for rental property?

First, let's look at the demographics of people who searched "rentals." When analyzing the sex of those searching “rentals,” the majority is female across all age groups, indicating that women are leading the way in gathering information on housing through Internet searches.

Looking at the changes by age group over the past two years, it is clear that the number of people searching “rentals” in their 20s has increased, while people in their 30s have decreased. Other age groups have not shown significant change over this period.

User attributes of people searching for "rentals" / Sex

Period: April 2022 - March 2023
Devices: PC and smartphone

User attributes of people searching "rentals" / Age group (Changes)

Period: April 2021 - March 2023
Devices: PC and smartphone

Condominiums are popular among rental properties. "Pet-friendly" is also a top search keyword.

Next, we will look at the ranking of keywords searched together with "rentals" to see the most popular features, etc.

As shown in the table below, "condominium" ranked first, and "pet-friendly" and "2LDK" (abbreviation for "2 Bedroom, Living room, Dining room, Kitchen") were highly ranked. In addition, since there are many people in their 20s searching, keywords like "living alone" seem to be frequently searched as many are looking for single occupancy rentals.

Ranking of keyword combinations with "rentals"

Period: April 2022 - March 2023
Devices: PC and smartphone

Comparison of popular rental properties by age group

Next, we will compare trends by age group. First, a user attribute map with age on the vertical axis and sex on the horizontal axis is used to visually capture characteristics.

As shown in the figure below, many keywords are concentrated in the younger female demographic, indicating that they are searching for a wide range of topics, including everything from building materials, such as floors, windows, and walls to specific properties, such as designer and renovated properties.

On the other hand, in the same younger age group, men are more likely to search for lease renewal fees, brokerage fees, rent, market rates, and other expenses.

User attribute map for people searching "rentals"

Period: April 2022 - March 2023
Devices: PC and smartphone

Let's compare the simultaneous search terms in detail for each age group.

A comparison of the rankings of the keyword combinations reveal the following.

・Most searches for "fire insurance" are made by those in their 20s, with searches declining as age increases.
・"Pet-friendly" rose in ranking among those in their 30s to 50s.
・"New construction" becomes a highly-search topic for those in their 30s and older.
・"Detached house" ranked highest from 30s onward.
・"2LDK" is the most frequently searched rental property layout among all age groups.

When people in their 20s are looking for rental property, they search more about “fire insurance” to look into what it is and whether it is necessary or not. Fire insurance definitely seems like something that is of concern among first-time renters, and thus, it ranks first. It is interesting to see how the data illustrates how people learn as their experience increases with age.

Also, as the budget one has available for housing is expected to increase with age, more attention is being paid to single-family homes and pet-friendly properties.

While we can understand the need to live alone in one's 20s and 30s, it was also interesting to see the idea of "living alone" once drop out of the ranking for people in their 40s and then reemerge again for those in their 50s and 60s.

Ranking of keyword combinations with "rentals" by age group

Period: April 2022 - March 2023
Devices: PC and smartphone

Generational differences across rental search websites. Young people are checking reviews.

Next, we will analyze the trends by age group regarding the inflow websites that people are visiting after searching "rentals."

The table below shows the ranking of inflow websites by age group. For all ages, "SUUMO" was ranked No. 1, "HOME'S" No. 2, and "at home" No. 3.

The websites highlighted blue are those viewed more frequently by younger people, and websites highlighted pink are those viewed more frequently by older people. "Home Mate" and "Apaman Shop" are popular among younger people, and review websites, such as "Yahoo! Chiebukuro," "Iepula," and "Oshiete! goo" also rank.

On the other hand, real estate portal websites such as "Sumaity" and "Chintai EX" are popular among the older generation.

Inflow website ranking by age group

Period: April 2022 - March 2023
Devices: PC and smartphone

Rental search websites with frequent influx of young people

Iepula|Real estate agency where you can find your ideal rental property through LINE or chat [Available until midnight]

Websites frequently visited by younger people
Translated by VALUES


In this research, we analyzed everyone's concerns about rental properties by age group.

What kind of people are searching for "rentals"?

Women accounted for the majority across all age groups, indicating that women are leading the way in gathering information about housing. By analyzing by age group, we found that the number of people searching for rental property in their 20s is increasing, while the number of people in their 30s is decreasing.

What do you often look for when searching for "rentals"?

We checked the popular features, etc., based on the keywords searched in combination with "rentals." As a result, "condominium" ranked first, and "pet-friendly" and "2LDK" were the most popular features. In addition, since most people searching "rentals" are in their 20s, we found that "living alone" and other single occupancy properties were frequently searched for.

What are the search trends by age group?

A comparison of simultaneous search terms by age group revealed the following.
・People in their 20s are the most likely to search for "fire insurance," and the number of people searching declines as age increases.
・Most people in their 50s search for "pet-friendly," and the number of people increases with age, but the number of people decreased for people in their 60s.
・ Searches for "new construction" are most common among those in their 30s and older.
・Searches for "single-family homes" and "detached house" are most common among those in their 30s and older.
・"2LDK" is the most popular layout for rental properties among all age groups.

What are the inflow websites after searching for “rentals” by age group?

Inflow sites after searching "rentals" were "SUUMO" ranked No. 1, "HOME'S" was No. 2, and “at home" was No. 3 across all age groups. Looking at the characteristics of other websites, we found that each age group has its unique characteristics. “Home Mate” and “Apaman Shop” are popular among young people, as well as review websites such as “Yahoo! Chiebukuro,” “Iepula,” and “Oshiete! goo.” On the other hand, real estate portal websites such as "Sumaity" and "Chintai EX" seem to be popular with the elderly.

About Dockpit

▼Data from Dockpit was used in this case study. Dockpit is an online behavior analytics tool provided by VALUES, Inc., and it allows you to access online behavioral data (updated monthly) via your browser so you can research competitor websites and investigate trends. There is a FREE version of Dockpit, so if you are interested in using it, please register below.

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Born and raised in the Bay Area, U.S.A, I was fascinated by the different social and purchasing behaviors between Japanese and American consumers. I studied communication for undergrad and international marketing for my graduate studies. My professional background is in bilingual recruitment and Japanese-English translation.




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